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  • Writer's pictureNade Simmons


I was listing a couple of my abstract landscapes on my Etsy shop and pondering - what is the universal draw to painting landscapes?

'Scorched Lands' Sept 2022

For me, it's the feeling of being immersed in something larger than life. I grew up in a village in the Chiltern Hills, a protected area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and I have always loved being outside, I find the countryside very grounding for the mind. It's the same reason that I love camping, it makes my shoulders relax, my lungs feel open and the trials of everyday seem less important somehow.

'Deacon Hill' Sept 2022

Although I have amassed hundreds of photographs over the years, I still tend to paint from somewhere inside, I'm not really interested in technicalities so much as capturing the elements, the dry smell of harvest, or the wind cutting at cheeks and making the eyes water.

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